About Ramaavan...
Surati's unique, adapted production "Ramaavan - A Musical" is based on The Ramayana, a popular epic tale from India that tells the story of Prince Ram and King Ravan of (Sri) Lanka. It is a story of duty, honor, love, courage and revenge. Ramaavan is an original musical in English inspired by Broadway, told through verse, traditional (classical and folk) and experimental Indian dance and music, along with world genres of musical theatre, opera, contemporary, jazz, ballet and modern dance. This original production showcases Indian classical, folk and a fusion with other genres featuring artists and artistry from around the world, an evolving theatrical experience that appeals to a global audience today.This production narrating an ancient tale form India is unique in several ways... from the presentation to the cast, and most importantly the sheer diversity across the board. The talented and diverse international cast help create our unique depiction by blending cultures from Indian with those around the world through dance and music makes this a production comparable to shows on Broadway and at Operas.
Though the tale is ancient, our interpretation of the story challenges "Status Quo" and how social issues have